TOPICS / Other productions



Sheep breeding in Argentina is a very important activity, mainly in the region of Patagonia. The two main purposes are the production of wool and of meat. The breeds are Merino and Corriedale.


Traditionally, Argentina has always been a consumer of beef, leaving pork aside. Nevertheless, in the last years the production of pork has been increasing and a great industry appeared. Producers have included genetics and technology in their farms, which has enabled them to achieve high international standards quickly.


The main production of poultry in Argentina is based on chicken breeding for its meat and hens for the eggs. Chicken is the second most consumed meat in the country, after beef.
The industry has been growing lately, the production has increased by three times in the last 15 years. This growth can be seen in the technology, in the quality of the product and in the new international markets.


The breeding of goats for meat and milk is all over the country but mainly in the provinces of Neuquén, Mendoza and Santiago del Estero.


The Southamerica Camelids are a pecuarian and genetic wealth from the Andean civilizations. There are two domestic species the alpaca and the llama and two wild ones the vicuna and the guanaco.
These animals are a source of fiber, meat, work and of many products that are essential for the survival of a great sector of the Andean population. These animals can be found not only in Argentina, but also in the Andean regions of Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Perú.
The breeding of alpacas and llamas is a significant economic activity for this region, mainly the production of alpaca fiber, which is highly appreciated in the international market due to its fine fleece.


The geography of the Argentine Sea is one of the best in the world when talking about fishing. The maritime space covers around one million square meters and its coastal border is 4,000 km. Therefore, it has enormous variety of resources, most of the ocean wealth is usually located close to coastal seas. Argentina’s fishing industry is exporting to many countries. Its products are commercialized in more than 100 countries in 4 continents.


Argentina has 27 million hectares of land under forest cover. They are very different from one another, there are forests and woods and of tropical, mild and cold climate. Out of this amount, 1,5 million hectares are forests that were planted. The main species are pine trees, eucalyptus, sauce and poplar.
This industry is mainly in the provinces of Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Ríos and to a lesser extend in Patagonia.


Sugar in Argentina comes from sugarcane grown. From the cane production, not only sugar is obtained but also ethanol and paper. For more than a hundred years, sugarcane has been grown in the country and it has increased remarkably in the last decades, reaching 2,4 million tons.
The production takes place mainly in the provinces of Tucumán, Salta and Jujuy and it is mainly focused on the local market.
The exportation is sporadic, depending on surpluses for export and the international good prices.


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